PLTC Committees

PLTC maintains several ongoing committees through which much of our business is conducted. If you would like to join, or would like additional information about any of the committees, please email the contact person shown below. Click on a committee title to view the committee's mission statement.

The mission of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is to promote deeper understanding of and respect for the intersections of identity and culture, especially considering age and disabilities, when working with long-term care residents, staff, and colleagues. We strive to build a diverse, inclusive, and empathically minded community that advocates for equity and social justice in long-term care settings.  Current committee members include: Katherine Lou, Michelle Jolson, Taylor Everly, Brenda Sprinkle, Deborah Theis, and Julie Gersch.   Contact:

The Membership Committee is a standing committee of PLTC whose primary duty is to coordinate the collection of membership dues from active members, and manage incoming applications for membership in PLTC from Professional, Student, Affiliate, Emeritus, and Institutional applicants. Membership Committee chairs are appointment “from time to time as deemed necessary by the President.” The PLTC Membership Committee also has played an increasingly vital role in coordinating membership retention and recruitment activities of the larger organization. Contact:

The Nominations & Elections Committee consists of the Past President as Chairperson and up to three other members of the organization, whom the President shall appoint in consultation with the membership, and “is responsible for implementing the policies required for the nomination and election of officers.”

The Professional Award Committee chair and membership “shall be appointed by the President. It shall solicit, evaluate, and select an individual to be recognized for Outstanding Contributions To Psychology In Long-Term Care in one of the following areas: teaching/mentorship/training, research, public policy, or clinical practice.”

The PLTC Research Committee is a network of designated PLTC members dedicated to collaboration, dissemination, pursuing funding, and mentorship on a wide variety of research issues related to assessment and intervention in LTC facilities. Research interests of this committee involve the entire gamut of assessment and care in LTC facilities. The committee provides PLTC members with the opportunity to interact and collaborate by providing information about research interests/activities. In general, then, this committee works to foster a community of scholars and researchers from its membership to promulgate and conduct research on LTC. Contact: or

The mission of the PLTC Program Committee is to solicit, evaluate, and select scientific and professional contributions in the field to be presented to members. The committee provides opportunities for members to participate in APA-accredited continuing education programs. It also assists in coordinating conversation hours, where members present information to other members on a topic of expertise.

The mission of the Public Policy Committee of Psychologists in Long-Term Care (PLTC) is to advocate on behalf of policies promoting the availability and accessibility of ethical psychological services to older adults in long-term care settings. The Committee will monitor professional, regulatory, and legislative proposals and developments affecting the provision of geropsychological services in long-term care settings and facilitate PLTC responses, consistent with the mission of PLTC and the interests of its members.


  1. Identify, monitor, and inform PLTC members of regulatory, legislative, and professional issues and developments affecting the delivery of psychological services in long-term care settings.

  2. Inform policymakers, regulators, and other decisionmakers of the mental health needs of older adults in long-term care facilities and the delivery and utility of geropsychological services in such settings.

  3. Formulate responses to policy and regulatory proposals and developments consistent with the mission of the Committee and PLTC, including, but not limited to, correspondence to and contact with policymakers and legislative officials.

  4. Coordinate advocacy efforts with organizations with an interest in long-term care and the mental health of older adults to promote awareness and accessibility of geropsychological services in long-term care settings

PLTC has other current ad-hoc and task force committees which you can join:

The mission of the Mentoring Program Committee is to connect students, early career professionals, and psychologists new to the field of geropsychology and clinical/academic work in long-term care settings with seasoned professionals to provide non-supervisory guidance to expand knowledge and understanding in their professional life. This PLTC Program has been active for the last decade.

The mission of the Student Representative / Student Engagement Task Force is to engage the next generation of long term care psychologists via outreach and advocacy for students just starting out in the field, and encouraging networking and mentorship opportunities. Contact: or

Kate King, Psy.D., Editor-in-Chief
Daniella Furey, Assistant Editor

The PLTC Newsletter is published electronically at minimum twice per year and the Editor serves at the pleasure of the President, for typically a term of two years. The Newsletter is designed to showcase member-submitted content in the form of scientific reports, literature reviews, casual articles of interest on geropsychology and long-term care, and other reports and announcements pertaining to the PLTC community.

The Communications Committee (formerly the Social Media Committee) has the mission of evaluating and updating PLTC's digital media strategy and communications approach to meet the needs of the community. Contact:

The mission of the Standards Committee is to periodically revise and propose new Guidelines for Psychological and Behavioral Health services given current needs in long-term care and changes that have occurred in the field and populations served. The written result of this effort is posted here (recent update pending).

Updated 2023-01-26 13:40:06