Dear Members,
PLTC is again enthusiastically inviting applications for the Annual Student Research Award 2019. We have appreciated the quality of submissions in past years. Please note below the expanded scope of work that can be considered for the award. We have previously provided information on past winners and will be updating our new website with the names of past winners and their research.
Applications for the award this year should be submitted by June 1, 2019 and to allow time for review and announcements
The Student Research Award is being administered through the Research Committee of PLTC, with additional reviewing support from members as may be required and offered. In support of research/projects relevant to long-term care, we invite applications at this time and which should be submitted to Craig Schweon, Ph.D., Chair of the Research Committee at, and with your attachments.
We are requesting that those intending to apply submit an email letter of intent by May 1, 2019 to Craig Schweon, Ph.D, Chair of the Research Committee at, and so that we can best prepare for reviews.
Be sure to include a cover letter and contact information, your affiliation, research/faculty mentors you have worked with as relevant to this application, with their contact information, as well as any other appropriate information in your application email. A resume is not required but may be submitted as well. Please note that we are requiring that you include an abstract of your study/manuscript before the text.
Consistent with what has traditionally been described on the PLTC website and which we will update on our current new website, graduate and post-doctoral students may submit a completed project relevant to long-term care( including geropsychology but relevant to long-term care ) for the PLTC Student Research Award. Submissions will be accepted from student members of PLTC, please note we do require student membership at the time of submission( student membership the first year is free at PLTC ). We certainly encourage faculty mentors to be professional members if at all possible.
Manuscripts should generally be 8-12 pages, exclusive of tables and figures. Manuscripts that are being presented as posters or in symposia at the annual GSA meeting( or at APA ) will be accepted and encouraged though this is not required. Please note in your letter if the manuscript you submit is being presented( or has been submitted, was recently presented). Manuscripts presented to others organizations’ award programs will not be considered for the award.
Please note that, again this year, though there would be one award, we are expanding the nature of projects that can be submitted, in an effort to recognize different contributions and broaden submissions. In addition to formal research, we will consider projects with a scholarly basis such as formal literature reviews, program evaluation studies, intervention studies, formal needs assessments. Qualitative and quantitative efforts will continue to be encouraged, different sample sizes depending on the nature of the study. A manuscript is required. Please feel free to consult if you have questions about the applicability of the project.
Here is a checksheet for you to use in your preparation.
Further details about the process may be sent at a later date. The award amount has been increased this year to 375 dollars in support of applications and the winner will receive this with a commemorative piece. The award will be announced and then presented at the PLTC meeting at the time of the Annual APA Convention in Chicago this year, during the period from August 8-11, 2019. We will also provide recognition for the University and the research/faculty mentor. While encouraged, you do not need to be present to accept the award and other arrangements can be made.
We look forward to receiving and reviewing applications.
Craig Schweon, Ph.D. Chair, Research Committee, PLTC
To the admin, Thanks for the well-written and informative post!